06 Jan RSO/ SCEP Fees & Business tax renewals are due!
All Landlords who are subject to the Rent Stabilization ordinance of Los Angeles and all Landlords located in the City of Los Angeles should be or have recieved their annual Rent Control Fees and/or their systematic Code endforce program fees statement. Please remember these fees are due before February 29, 2012. Please do not miss the due date as the late fees are astronomical.
Landlords, please also do not forget that just because you are not subject to the RSO (Rent Stabilization Ordinance) does not mean you are exempt from the SCEP (Systematic Code enforcement Program) fees. All multi family properties located in the City of Los Angeles are responsible for SCEP fee regardless of RSO affiliation.
Business Licenses: Please do not forget to file your Business License renewal. Almost all Cities have business licenses and could be due as soon as January 31. 2011 (Burbank, Beverly Hills, and Inglewood). The easiest way to re new your business license for Los Angeles is to file on line at https://latax.lacity.org/laweb/F-logon.jsp . Thousand Oaks also offers an online filing version which is very simple to follow.
If North Oak can be of any service to anyone who is having trouble with these forms, please do not hesitate to contact us.
North Oak property management serves the greater Los Angeles area including the San Fernando Valley, Burbank, Glendale, Inglewood, and Ventura County since 1984. For more information visit http://www.northoak.com, or call us at 818-715-0575